This is your dream - and we are here to help you make that dream a reality. Summit Salon Academies believe that happiness comes from doing what you love. We are committed to elevating our industry by teaching students innovative, proven Summit Salon™ systems that help future service providers grow their careers faster better and STRONGER.

There are incredible opportunities in this industry - financial independence, creativity, joy and empowerment. Every Summit Salon Academy journey begins with just one question: "How are you going to change the world?"



Summit Salon Business Center's mission is to improve the professional beauty industry one service provider at a time. This means starting at the Academy level.

The Difference

What makes Summit Salon Academies special? It's our deep commitment to innovation, and our unyielding passion for giving our students the tools they will need to succeed in the industry of now.


Building a career in this industry starts by embracing what brings you joy. Find a Summit Salon Academy that will embrace, empower and support your personal and professional goals.